Sunday, October 20, 2013

Overnight Relay Race - Training Hints

On February 21 I will be driving with 23 other crazy Sproutie Runners from Scottsdale to Wickenburg to participate in the 2014 Ragnar Del Sol.  This is another overnight relay race where we will have 2 teams from Sprouts participating and running for 30+ hours.  The total distance our teams will cover is going to be 202.7 miles.  I have become seriously addicted to these races.  They are so much fun and yet challenging at the same time.  I cannot recommend them enough to any runner who craves a team atmosphere and a competitive race experience all wrapped up into one.  Once you participate in one you will understand the passion I have for these types of running events.

The Ragnar Del Sol race starts in the little town of Wickenburg, Arizona which is 60 miles northwest of Phoenix.  It sits in the Northern reaches of the great Southwest’s Sonoran Desert.  It also happens to be the oldest town in Arizona north of Tucson and the fifth oldest in the state having been founded in 1863.  Wickenburg is now known more for its clean air and wide open spaces and happens to be the Dude Ranch Capital of Arizona.  I cannot think of a more fitting place to start an overnight relay race.  Not only does it epitomize the rugged individualism that built the West, it dovetails beautifully with the individual effort each of our runners will put forth throughout this race.

As I get myself prepared to run this race, I thought it might be helpful if I put together a little primer on how to train for an overnight 200 mile relay race.  I am sure there are any number of ways to get ready for this type of event.  Therefore I am not saying that I am the authority on how to best prepare for your particular race.  Please take these ideas as suggestions that may help you to get ready for one of these races.  I will start with some thoughts on training and then in my next post discuss things to expect and what to bring with you into your support van.

First let me say that a 200 mile overnight relay race is not like any other race you will run.  It takes more mental focus than a single distance race like a marathon.  You will need to be able to focus only on the leg you are currently running and not look ahead to the future legs in the race.  You have to run in the moment which in my opinion is what makes these races so much fun.  Each runner will complete between 10 and 20 miles over the course of an overnight relay.  As you know, each runner will complete those miles over 3 separate legs.  This means there will be rest time in between each leg.  If I have trained property, I typically feel the same fatigue and soreness I have felt after a half marathon when I am done with my 3 legs.  The biggest difference is the sleep deprivation that makes this racing experience different and more challenging.

I would recommend to any runner who is planning to run an overnight relay to train as if you are training for a half marathon.  This will allow you to get the mileage in necessary to be able to run when your legs are tired and perhaps not fully recovered from the previous leg.  It will also ensure that you are well prepared to complete almost any set of legs and mileage your team will need from you during the event.  I prefer to run with teams where speed is not the be all and end all.  Remember this is more about fun than trying to win.  As I said the sleep deprivation will have an effect on your per mile pace.  So despite your training you may not complete your legs quickly, but you’ll definitely finish them all and feel good at the end.   

If you are someone who can’t just be happy participating and finishing the race injury free I would recommend doing multiple runs within 24 hours during your training leading up to the race.  Most runners are not used running miles that close together.  You will typically have at least 24 hours in between training runs.  In an overnight relay you may only have 12 hours between legs.  To be well prepared for an overnight relay race, you should be running what I like to call “doubles”.    I would encourage you to start running “doubles” no later than 3-4 weeks before the race.  You can incorporate “doubles” into your normal training schedule in these five phases.  These should replace your long run in any half marathon training plan:

  1. Easy run in the morning followed by an easy run in the evening and take the next day off
  2. Easy run in the morning, followed by an easy run in the evening and an easy run the next morning
  3. Hard run in the morning followed by an easy run in the evening and take the next day off
  4. Hard run in the morning, followed by an easy run in the evening and an easy run the next morning
  5. Hard run in the morning, followed by an easy run in the evening and a hard run the next morning
In practicality, how does this work?  The way I use these phases is by splitting my long run into 2 different runs on the same day and then run the following morning.   If my half marathon plan calls for a 10 mile run on Saturday with a 3 mile run on Sunday, I will split my 10 miler into a 7 mile Saturday morning run and then do 3 miles that evening and finish the weekend runs with the 3 miler on Sunday morning.   I like to use a 70/30 split when I divide my long run to create a double.  To avoid injury, you should run each phase for at least 3 weeks before moving up to the next phase.  And unless you are a regular marathoner logging at least 40 miles per week like me, I would skip Phase 5 altogether.

One final bit of advice; try to do at least two long runs during your training that equals the longest leg you will have to cover in the race.  I have found that this gives novice runners confidence that no matter what happens during the race they will be able to cover the longest mileage without any problem.  There is one caveat – if your longest leg is over 10 miles (as mine will be in the Ragnar Del Sol) your longest long run during training should be no more than 75 percent of that distance.

Finally, many people wonder about pacing in these races.  When it comes to pace, you should shoot to run at your normal 10K race pace for the first two legs.  If there are hills in any of the legs you will have to adjust slightly.  The third leg is the most challenging both mentally and physically.  It is normal to run slower during your third leg due to being fatigued from the previous two legs and the lack of normal sleep.  What I typically do when I get to my third leg is to go out a little slower than my 10K pace.  I shoot for between 10 and 15 seconds slower.  After the first mile I assess how I am feeling and decide if I can pick up the pace or need to slow down even more.  The goal here is to finish your last leg with a smile on your face and a true sense of accomplishment.

If you train for this race like you would for any other long distance race, you will be ready for the challenge.  Just make sure that you run a few doubles and try as the event approaches running at some weird hour either very early in the morning or late at night.  This will allow you to see how your body responds to running at an abnormal hour.  I am sure you will find your guts are a bit turned upside down.  Even if you have run multiple marathons, your body has no experience being active at 3 a.m. so it’s something worth training for. 

I hope that my hints will help you if you decide to sign up for one of the many overnight relay races being run all over this country.  I can assure you that you will have an experience of a lifetime.  You will get to run which is something you love and you will get to do it while creating lifelong bonds with your fellow teammates. 

Oct. 7 – 6.10 miles (57:31, 9:23 pace)
Oct. 8 – 4.00 miles (31:44, 7:56 pace) – Speed Work
Oct. 10 – 5.00 miles (41:00, 8:12 pace) – Tempo Run
Oct. 10 – 2.50 miles (26:15, 10:32 pace)
Oct. 11 – 6.20 miles (57:35, 9:23 pace)
Oct. 12 – 9.10 miles (1:22:48, 9:05 pace)
Oct. 13 – 7.10 miles (1:04:33, 9:05 pace)
Oct. 14 – 4.00 miles (31:42, 7:56 pace) – Speed Work
Oct. 15 – 6.10 miles (58:24, 9:31 pace)
Oct. 17 – 6.20 miles (57:15, 9:14 pace)
Oct. 18 – 6.10 miles (57:19, 9:23 pace)
Oct. 19 – 10.20 miles (1:33:30, 9:14 pace)
Oct. 20 – 9.10 miles (1:21:54, 8:57 pace)

Total Miles:  81.7 miles
2013 Total Miles:  1,405.4 miles

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I am a Runner

As I was completing my second run on Thursday of this week and trying to figure out what I wanted to write about here, I started to wonder how many miles I had run since starting this blog exactly 5 years ago.  When I went back and looked at my training log I was a bit shocked at how many miles I had logged since turning 47.  As of today, I have run 9,197.3 miles or an average of 35 miles per week.  To put it in perspective, the circumference of the Earth is 24,901 miles.  So I have run over 1/3 of the circumference of the Earth.  Now that is mind boggling.

With all of this running, some of my non-running friends and colleagues question my sanity.  I mean how many people commit to running 6 days per week and actually look forward to it.  Most non-runners cannot understand why I subject myself to what they imagine as a grueling slog down the road on a daily basis.  Unfortunately there is no way I can explain what running does for me or why I need to run regularly.  Sure I can tell them that it helps me keep my weight down and that it is an easy and cheap form of exercise.  But there is no way to explain how it improves my psyche and my soul.  Yes…running improves my soul.

 I believe that when I run I am able to reduce the stress I feel when I am getting overwhelmed by work and wondering how I am ever going to be able to meet the goals and objective before me.  It has definitely helped me process grief and sadness after losing a friend or loved one to cancer.   Just getting out on the road for a few short miles helps me clear my head and think back on all of the happy memories of that person.  Running also allows me to set truly attainable goals that I can achieve.  Then when I am faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem I can remind myself of those achievements and know that if I work hard at it I can solve any problem.   Finally it is the knowledge that I always feel better and have a clear head after a run that gets me out of bed and onto the road every day.

While all of the above is true, what really helps improve my soul is that I can run to help others.  In 2009 and 2012 I ran as part of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge team.  It was my first time as a charity runner.  I was worried whether or not I would be able to meet the fundraising goal when I started.  IN the end after a lot of hard work, I was able to raise over $32,000 to help scientists find a cure for all types of cancer.  It allowed me to actually perform a true mitzvah and finally do something to help ultimately achieve the Jewish principal of tikkun olam.  Charity running is the epitome of actively doing something to help repair the world.  Here is an excellent explanation of why I believe my running can and should be for a higher purpose.

Tikkun olam encompasses both the outer and the inner, both service to society by helping those in need and service to the Divine by liberating the spark within. As we are, the Divine spark lies hidden beneath our layers of egoistic self-centeredness. That spark is our conscience, through which the promptings of the Divine Will flow toward us. By pursuing spiritual inner work to strengthen our soul and purify our heart, we grow more able to bear that spark without shattering, more willing to act on what we know to be right, less willing to act in harmful or grasping ways, and more able to notice the quiet presence of conscience beneath the din of our chattering minds and reactive emotions. The work of transformation, of building a soul creates a proper vessel for the Divine spark, for our unique share of the Divine Will, returning that spark to the service of the One Who made it. By working to perfect ourselves, perfect our soul, and serve society, we each contribute in our own unique way to the perfecting of the world. This is our duty and our calling as human beings.  (From The Inner Frontier website)

Finally I know that running has introduced me to people who I now count among my closest friends.  I have found that when I am running with friends, I have my own personal cheering squad.  My friends and I are there to root each other on during races and support each other through long runs.  With Facebook, we can send encouragement over the internet and give our fellow runners that boost they may need during their training.  I also tend to run with people who are younger than me.  When I am running with them they are typically encouraging you to run faster and harder making it easier to take my running to the next level.  It also allows me to get to know people on a much deeper level in a casual environment.

As you can see there are reasons to run other than for better health.  But they are somewhat inexplicable to others because they are so personal in nature.  I know that I will keep running until the day that I shuffle off this mortal coil because it is a major part of who I am and it helps me learn to be a better me.  Who knows on day I may even be able to say that I have run enough miles to have circumnavigated the Earth.  Wouldn’t that be something?

Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
- Lao-Tzu

Sept. 16 – 6.10 miles (59:14, 9:41 pace)
Sept. 17 – 4.00 miles (31:54, 7:59 pace) – Speed Work
Sept. 19 – 6.10 miles (59:39, 9:50 pace)
Sept. 21 – 7.10 miles (1:06:54, 9:23 pace)
Sept. 22 – 7.10 miles (1:04:55, 9:05 pace)
Sept. 23 – 6.10 miles (57:28, 9:23 pace)
Sept. 24 – 4.00 miles (31:40, 7:55 pace) – Speed Work
Sept. 26 – 5.00 miles (41:14, 8:15 pace) – Tempo Run
Sept. 27 – 6.20 miles (57:07, 9:14 pace)
Sept. 28 – 7.10 miles (1:05:04, 9:14 pace)
Sept. 29 – 7.50 miles (1:08:11, 9:05 pace)
Sept. 30 – 6.10 miles (56:47, 9:23 pace)
Oct. 1 – 4.00 miles (31:45, 7:56 pace) – Speed Work
Oct. 1 – 2.90 miles (31:29, 10:52 pace)
Oct. 3 – 5.00 miles (41:01, 8:12 pace) – Tempo Run
Oct. 3 – 3.00 miles (34:52, 11:32 pace)
Oct. 4 – 6.20 miles (58:07, 9:23 pace)
Oct. 5 – 10.10 miles (1:34:03, 9:23 pace)
Oct. 6 – 7.10 miles (1:06:03, 9:23 pace)

Total Miles:  110.7 miles
2013 Total Miles:  1,323.7 miles