Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day Thoughts

For those few people who follow my musings here, I have to apologize for not writing since mid-May.  It isn't that I haven't had anything on my mind about life and running.  I simply have been extremely busy.  Besides my every day job, work travel and family obligations, I have been performing in a local community theater production of "My Man Godfrey".  It hasn't kept me from my running routine.  But it has kept me away from the keyboard.

I am posting this on Father's Day.  I am a father of two beautiful children who constantly amaze me with their sense of justice and love for their fellow man.  They approach life without prejudice.  They care about the environment and how they can help preserve it for future generations.  They both had the courage to chase their dreams and as adults are living out their dreams.  I couldn't be prouder.

As I reflect on how they turned out, it dawned on me that it was due in large part to the way my wife and I raised them.  We chose to raise them in the same way we were brought up way back in the dark ages of the 60s and 70s.  The most important thing we learned from our parents was that children desire from their parents an even hand, balance, accountability, and discipline all wrapped up in unconditional love.   A parent who is consistent and clearly defines the boundaries will have children who take responsibility for themselves and their life.  Without these two things, it is very hard to grow up.

We also raised our children to leave our nest.  I see so many families that struggle with allowing their children to fly on their own.  The trend has been "helicopter parenting".  As a parent, I want my children to never have to feel hurt or fear.  But they will never be able to be fully functioning members of our society if they don't experience some setbacks along the way to teach them that they can persevere.  I know that by giving them the freedom to explore their world that they were well equipped to leave home and to establish their own lives.  As I see them in their lives now, I know we did the right thing.

Finally, both my wife and I taught our children to love life in all its forms.  We had our ups and downs.  But through it all, we laughed and loved a lot.  They say that the best predictor of happiness is simply being satisfied with what you have and where you are in life.  It doesn't mean you can't strive to be more successful, have more money, or even more things.  But we wanted our children to know that material things will not bring you happiness.  Instead happiness and fulfillment come from love, hope, peace, and relationships.

I wish all of the fathers out there a great day filled with love and laughter.  Happy Father's Day.

May 15 – 5.20 miles (45:48, 8:49 pace)
May 16 – 6.20 miles (54:53, 8:51 pace) - Speed Work
May 18 – 7.20 miles (1:04:54, 9:10 pace) - Tempo Run
May 20 – 6.20 miles (54:27, 8:47 pace)
May 25 – 7.20 miles (1:04:47, 9:10 pace) - Tempo Run
May 26 – 5.10 miles (45:07, 8:51 pace)
May 27 – 7.20 miles (1:03:27, 9:44 pace)
May 28 – 7.30 miles (1:06:43, 9:08 pace) - Speed Work
May 29 – 5.20 miles (54:51, 10:33 pace) - Hill Repeats
May 30 – 6.20 miles (54:53, 8:51 pace) - Speed Work
June 1 – 8.20 miles (1:12:55, 8:53 pace) - Tempo Run
June 2 – 5.10 miles (44:55, 8:41 pace)
June 3 – 4.10 miles (36:50, 8:59 pace)
June 4 – 10.30 miles (1:31:23, 9:47 pace)
June 6 – 4.20 miles (37:34, 8:57 pace)
June 8 – 8.20 miles (1:12:54, 8:53 pace) - Tempo Run
June 9 – 5.10 miles (44:44, 8:46 pace)
June 10 – 7.20 miles (1:07:06, 9:19 pace)
June 11 – 8.20 miles (1:15:45, 9:14 pace)
June 12 – 5.10 miles (53:53, 10:34 pace) - Hill Repeats
June 13 – 6.20 miles (54:47, 8:50 pace) - Speed Work
June 14 – 8.20 miles (1:13:00, 8:54 pace) - Tempo Run
June 15 – 5.50 miles (47:01, 8:33 pace)
June 16 – 10.10 miles (1:34:02, 9:19 pace)

Total Miles:  158.7 miles
2017 Total Miles:  868.5 miles