Monday, October 12, 2015

Achieving Your Dreams - It's Possible

This week I saw my daughter take her first steps as an adult who makes the right decisions and is not afraid to chase her dreams.  Most people are usually too afraid to try to make their dreams a reality.  They worry that they might have their dreams thwarted, discouraged, or unachieved. They tend to believe that they might not have what it takes to make their dreams come true.  Maybe they don't.  But as I learned from my daughter this week, that’s what taking risks is all about.  And  those who take the risk many times end up reaping the reward.

Throughout my life, I have met only a handful of people who actually like their job.   And even fewer who would say they are actually working their dream job.  I have come to the conclusion that this is because they were unwilling or advised by others that their dreams were unrealistic or unachievable.  Instead of listening to their heart and following their true passions, they followed a path outlined by their parents or peers which led them to an unsatisfactory position in life.  My daughter on the other hand has found her passion and is doing everything she can to land a job where she knows she will be happy.  It is the one thing she would do for the rest of her life for free - work for Disney.

She wants to be a performer at Disneyworld.  She has been attending TCU as a Theater Studies major and has learned so many things that have prepared her to land her dream job.  She has created her own unique path which takes courage.   She knows that chasing this dream is not easy.  She is expecting to fail along the way but she won't lose faith because she knows that if it was easy it wouldn't be worth chasing.   This week she took the first big step on the path to achieving her dream.

She follows the Disney Auditions website.  She noticed that they had an audition for an equity show at Disneyworld.  The audition was for Ariel in a Little Mermaid show.  She is in her Senior year at TCU and could not start until after she graduates.  But she wanted to fly to Orlando and audition any way.  She told us that even if she didn't get cast it would allow her to see what the process is like and get her name in front of the casting directors.  Then the next time she auditioned she would be even better for knowing what to expect.  If nothing else, she is committed to always chase her dream.  Even if she failed this time, she knows that it is always better to try and fail than to not try at all.

She found a flight that worked with her school schedule.  Then spoke with her professor to let him know she would be missing his class.  She arranged to stay at a friend's house while in Orlando.  And all within a 24 hour period.  The next time we hear from her she was at the airport on her way to Disneyworld.  Now that is commitment to following your dream.

She made it to Orlando and the audition.  I won't bore you with the details of the audition process.  She made it through 2 rounds.  She was so excited about the experience.  After dreaming about auditioning for Disney for many years she finally did it.  She was able to sing twice for the casting directors which was itself a dream come true.  When we spoke to her later, I could still see the afterglow of excitement.   Even though she didn't get cast this time, I know she is going to make it.  She has told me over and over again that no matter how crazy or big your dreams are, they are possible.  After this experience, she knows that it's possible.

I am so proud of her.  It is a great example for others to follow.  It is a good lesson that can teach us all that  you don’t need to be perfect or even the best. Instead you simply have to have the courage to try.  We all must choose our own destiny and find our true passion.  The book of our life starts out with the pages blank and our story is unwritten.  It is our job to find a pen and start writing.  I for one cannot wait to read my daughter's story.

"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."

Gail Devers, Three Time Olympic Track Champion

Sept. 28 – 6.10 miles (54:48, 8:59 pace)
Sept. 29 – 6.20 miles (57:01, 9:12 pace)
Oct. 1 – 6.20 miles (58:46, 9:29 pace)
Oct. 2 – 3.20 miles (28:57, 9:03 pace) - Sugarland, TX
Oct. 3 – 5.10 miles (54:24, 10:40 pace) - Trail Run
Oct. 4 – 6.20 miles (56:37, 9:08 pace)
Oct. 5 – 5.10 miles (46:40, 9:09 pace) - Plymouth Meeting, PA
Oct. 6 – 4.10 miles (37:57, 9:16 pace) - Plymouth Meeting, PA
Oct. 8 – 5.00 miles (49:08, 9:50 pace) - Bethesda, MD
Oct. 9 – 5.20 miles (45:34, 8:46 pace) - Hanover, MD
Oct. 10 – 4.20 miles (50:24, 12:00 pace) - Trail Run
Oct. 11 – 8.10 miles (1:22:18, 10:02 pace)

Total Miles:  69.8 miles
2015 Total Miles:  1,524.7 miles